Posted by: nancycurteman | May 11, 2010

Research Debunks Traditional Beliefs About Australian Aboriginals and Alcohol

An informative website called “Creative Spirits” provides an excellent in-depth research piece on Australian Aboriginal Alcohol Consumption. One significant revelation is that, as a group, Aboriginal people drink less than non-indigenous people. However, of those who do drink, more of them drink to excess. The research also shows that Aboriginals used alcohol long before the arrival of white people. Indeed, they enjoyed quite a selection of alcoholic beverages created from a variety of indigenous plants. The Creative Spirits website lists several reasons Aboriginal people drink. The bottom line is they drink to cope with their difficulty adjusting to the huge number of changes in their lifestyle over the years and their constant struggle for very basic human rights.


  1. I expect that Aborigines (like most groups) drink for more than one reason:

    to relax, to escape, to unwind, to be social, to cope with the difficulties and inequities of daily life, to handle grief, to deal with sorrow, etc.

    I have a dream . . . that one day we will treat all men (and animals) with humanity.

    thanks for posting!


  2. Alcohol has been around for thousands of years. Tall jars, known as amphoras were used to ship wine around mediterranean sea during 5th century BC. It would seem reasonable to think that peoples of any origin using an alcoholic drink would have some of there population imbibing to an extreme. As one may think, human existence would not be complete without a tip of cup.


  3. Great! Well, that certainly dispels some ‘myths’ I had previously adhered to. However, I am sure that alcoholism is rife in disadvantaged communities ad infinitum…


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